Draw Steel

A game about larger-than-life, extraordinary heroes
plunging into battle against terrifying,
monstrous enemies.

Pre-order Draw Steel
Strongholds & Followers - Hardcover & PDF
  • $49.99
Kingdoms & Warfare - Hardcover & PDF
  • $49.99
Flee, Mortals! The MCDM Monster Book - Hardcover & PDF
  • $69.99
Where Evil Lives: The MCDM Book of Boss Battles - Hardcover & PDF
  • $49.99
Strongholds & Followers - PDF
  • $29.99
Kingdoms & Warfare - PDF
  • $29.99
Flee, Mortals! The MCDM Monster Book - PDF
  • $39.99
Where Evil Lives: The MCDM Book of Boss Battles - PDF
  • $29.99


The Monstrous PDF Bundle
  • $69.99
  • $54.99


The Politics Pillar PDF
  • $59.99
  • $44.99


The MCDM 5e Class Bundle
  • $35.97
  • $29.99
ARCADIA Complete Bundle | Issues 1-30
  • $29.99
The Talent
  • $11.99
The Illrigger Revised
  • $11.99
Beastheart and Monstrous Companions
  • $11.99
The Talent Class PDF + The Talent Powers Card Deck
  • $24.99


Kingdoms & Warfare: Signed Hardcover Bundle
  • $162.00
  • $99.00


Kingdoms & Warfare: GM Screen
  • $20.00
  • $9.99


Kingdoms & Warfare: Special Unit Deck
  • $9.99
  • $4.99
Flee, Mortals! The MCDM Monster Book
Where Evil Lives: The MCDM Book of Boss Battles
Kingdoms & Warfare
Strongholds & Followers
Character Classes

FLGS Retail Program

If you run a local game store and are looking to carry our products, you can send us an email to hello@mcdmproductions.com. We have competitive rat...


  Whether you’re a group of local heroes sent to investigate mysterious goings-on in the nearby haunted wood, or famous mercenaries plotting and s...

Running the Game

Our goal is to turn you from someone who wants to play TRPGs into someone who wants to run them.


We have an FAQ here on the website that might be helpful, but a human will respond if you email us.